Press cuttings

Press cuttings

Here are some press cuttings that I accumulated or copied from other sources over the years. I've tried to put them in chronological order but I may have misdated one or two. I will add more cuttings as and when I find them.

Kursaal Flyers' set list 1974, probably played at the Kensington, Newlands Tavern and other London pubs.

August 1975 Release of "Chocs Away", the first album form the Ks

UK Records Press Promo picture.

From the BBC Arena program 'So you want to grow vegetables in your garden'.

Chas de Whalley of Sounds gives a testimonial to Mike Batt's latest album

Paul Shuttleworth designed this handout for the "Golden Mile" tour.

Phil McNeil touts for me joining the Grateful Dead, Dec 76.

Europe and UK mid-1977. This was my first European tour with the Hot Rods. It was the last time I managed to play in Belgium - the story is summed up in the song "Ignore them"

Barrie, Steve, Paul and I hanging out at the sparsely-attended Mont de Marsan

At the second Mont de Marsan festival in 1977. The Hot Rods flew with the Feelgoods in a small private hire aeroplane to Bordeaux. It was a total shambles - the organizer, Marc Zermatti, spent most of the weekend smacked out and none of the bands managed to get their fees

On stage with Paul Gray at the Whiskey a GoGo, Sunset Blvd, LA Dec 77.

John Hayward reviews the Lyceum show for the "Life on the Line" tour

Dave McCullough, Sounds, under-impressed at the Music Machine 1979

A few reviews for the Kursaals "Tour de Force" album.

We appeared at the famous Fairport Cropredy festival in 1988.